Redshift Serverless Pause & Restore



I'm using Redshift Serverless for the first time and would like to know if (like redshift cluster), we can pause and restore the cluster. Regards,

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asked 10 months ago673 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi - Thanks for checking . With Amazon Redshift Serverless, you pay only when queries run, so there is no need to pause or resume. For more information, see Billing for compute capacity.

Reference : Comparing Amazon Redshift Serverless to an Amazon Redshift provisioned data warehouse

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answered 10 months ago

hi, I got an error when using query editor v2 to connect my redshift serverless after one night without any actions (so redshift serverless is auto paused) - " Failed query when cluster is auto paused: [SQL State=59002]" , does anyone know what the issue is? does any cold start actions required to get through this issue? Thanks!

answered 2 months ago
  • This seems like an issue. Try running a query on your cluster to unpause it.

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