Is Copy Job out of Preview? Add Truncate Functionality?


Documentation says it was to be out of Preview on October 15th. We still cannot access it. Is there a new target date?

Also... would be great if the COPY JOB command had an optional TRUCATE feature before loading.

Thanks. Peter

asked 8 months ago237 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


Please note that Preview is solely for testing purposes before it is made generally available for production use, feedback on the product behavior and design will allow us to prioritize several enhancements for the general availability release.

Regarding the General Availability of this feature, there is currently no official ETA for when this feature will become generally available for production workloads, but after reaching out internally, there appears to be a tentative ETA of late Q4 to early Q1. However, this may be subject to change without any prior communication.

When generally available, the documentation [1] will be updated to reflect its availability, I also recommend keeping an eye on [2] & [3] where all the product related announcements are made.

[1] [2]

answered 7 months ago

Thank you for that answer. I'll periodically check on those pages.

answered 7 months ago

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