Reuse Amplify Configuration in New Project (deploy to separate AWS Account)


I have built a project that uses Amplify. I am compiling documentation for others to use the project as a starting point for their own projects. The idea being that they would fork the repo and then deploy the amplify backend to their own AWS account. I am testing it now with this repo: However, when I try to initialize amplify I get the following error:

node ➜ /workspaces/my-sample/libs/my-backend (master) $ amplify init Note: It is recommended to run this command from the root of your app directory ? Do you want to use an existing environment? Yes ? Choose the environment you would like to use: dev Using default provider awscloudformation ✖ Initializing your environment: dev ✖ There was an error initializing your environment. 🛑 Could not initialize platform for 'dev': Access Denied

I suspect this has to do with the files in the repo pointing to resources in my original AWS account (Cognito?). I'm not sure what I should do to enable the forked user to deploy their own instance of amplify while reusing the configuration necessary to replicate auth setup and the datastore data model and security settings I have created for the solution to work.

Any suggestions or help will be appreciated. It seems like I might have to add instructions for the forked user to delete certain files in the repo so they can create their own configuration and then add them back to their repo so they can share with other team members.

BTW - The goal with this repo is to create a template to use for building a universal (expo) app with an offline first approach that is designed for scalable development model.

asked 4 months ago61 views
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