BYOIP Process Questions


I have a single class C address block that I acquired in the 1990s and want to transfer to AWS.

I'd prefer to move just a portion of the block, but can move the entire block if necessary.

I am very confused by the process and wasn't sure if there are either professional services firms that can help me with this one-off task or a very simple guide. I am not a networking professional (clearly). I just want to avoid the upcoming charges that will be associated with EIP addresses when I have a block of my own.

1 Answer

You can do this yourself, the process is documented here:

It is important to note that the class-c (I presume you mean it is a /24 therefore) needs to be moved to AWS as a whole - you cannot bring a prefix more specific than a /24 to AWS.

Furthermore your assignment must be from the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE), or Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC), and it must be registered to a business or institutional entity and cannot be registered to an individual person.

Given that you only have a /24, you can only bring that to a single AWS region where BYOP is supported.

There are a few other restrictions that are documented in the page above.

answered 6 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 6 months ago

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