Target group - Health checks failed with these codes: [500]



I would appreciate it if you could help me please.

I have issues with Registered targets Health status is unhealthy and Health Status Details has Health checks failed with these codes: [500]

Our infrastructure is using AWS ECS container instances.

I tried to search everywhere for a solution but no joy

Many thanks in advance


asked a year ago3797 views
1 Answer

There isn't enough information in your question to provide detailed answers. If you see HTTP 500 errors for the health checks, your instances return that response. I suggest looking at your instances' logs to determine the cause of the HTTP 500 response. Additionally, you could try running your container locally and making a request to the same path as the health check and see if the service behaves the same, returning an HTTP 500 response, or different.

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answered a year ago
  • Hi Jason Thanks for the suggestion. What other info would you like me to provide you with?

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