SES Email Bounce When Sending Mail Using SMTP


My SES came out from sandbox to production. Mail sending is working just fine using the SMTP credentials. Domain ownership verification is also done.

However, when I send emails it always counts as a bounce. I did add records like SPF, DKIM, TXT, MX, A, and Cname to my domain DNS which is provided by AWS and domain providers. WordPress websites also accept these SMTP credentials. When WordPress sends mail like your plugins have been updated, it also counts as a bounce. All the emails end up in my inbox. It seems SMTP is working just fine but counts as a bounce. What am I doing wrong? I am using SES for SMTP not for marketing purposes. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

asked 8 months ago463 views
1 Answer


Usually SES will publish the Bounce event if the recipient's mail server permanently rejected the email (A hard bounce) or when Amazon SES fails to deliver the email after retrying for a period of time (A Soft bounce). In your case, the email is being delivered to your inbox, so wondering if there are other recipients along with your email that would be causing it ? Nonetheless, please check this link for more tips on handling the bounce rates - specifically the section "Identify what's causing the increased bounce rate"

Hope this helps.

answered 8 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 8 months ago

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