Trigger AppSync subscription notification asynchronously


I have some processing that takes place asynchronously and I would like to notify my AppSync subscribers when the processing finishes. How can I have my asynchronous Lambda function notify Apollo-AppSync client subscribers when the processing is complete?

I am only using Cognito User Pool authentication with my API.

Why is there no AppSync topic on re:Post?

asked 2 years ago1116 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer
answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

You can leverage the concept of Local Resolvers for your task.

Asynchronous Lambda can invoke mutation on a None datasource, which will cause mutation result (can be as simple as an echo of all input arguments) to be forwarded to all subscription clients.

You can review How do I notify AWS AppSync subscribers of external database updates that aren't performed by client-side mutations? for more details and step-by-step implementation guidelines.

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

What is the best practice for having my Lambda invoke a mutation? Right now my AppSync API is authorized via Cognito User Pools.

answered 2 years ago

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