Amazon Redshift system-defined roles


Hi, I have assigned a system defined role "Sys:dba" to a user, but this role has no permissions.

I have used: GRANT ROLE sys:dba to "user";

According to the documentation. this role should have permissions,

but by using the command:

SELECT namespace_name AS schema_name, relation_name AS table_name, privilege_type, identity_name AS role_name 
FROM svv_relation_privileges 
WHERE role_name = 'sys:dba'

I see that it does not have any permissions.

These roles are only sample roles?

Thank you very much for your help.

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asked 9 months ago379 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Please use following query to identify system privileges for System roles.

SELECT system_privilege,identity_name,identity_type FROM svv_system_privileges where identity_name = 'sys:dba';

For additional information please refer

answered 8 months ago
  • Thank you for your comment. I thought these roles had other permissions, now it's clearer!

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