DMS CDC Migration Task failing for MsSql Server to S3


Hi, im trying to setup a DMS Migration Task for ongoing replication from a EC2 hosted MsSql (2017) Server to S3. I followed this guide to setup the Sql Server and i am able to see the CDC data in the sql server.

When running the Fullload and ongoing replication task I got an Error that the task is looking for the "rdsadmin" database within my sql server, which isn't there because the server is hosted on EC2 and not on RDS. (I checked a RDS MsSQL Server - the rdsadmin database is available there) Out of curiosity i created the "rdsadmin" db within the sql server to see what DMS wants to do. This led to another (probably obvious) Error:

[STREAM_COMPONEN ]E: RetCode: SQL_ERROR SqlState: 42000 NativeError: 2812 Message: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]The saved procedure "rdsadmin.dbo.rds_show_configuration" couldnt be found. Line: 1 Column: -1 [1022502] (ar_odbc_stmt.c:5007) (Error message loosely translated)

Server Endpoint is configured with Endpoint Engine: Microsoft SQL Server. When i just run a fullload migration task everything works fine with the same configuration. Im using Engine version 3.5.1.

For me it looks like the migration task thinks it should replicate a RDS MsSql Instance. But if so, why does this happen or where did i misconfigured the task? Or do i miss something else completely?

Any help here is much appreciated.

asked a year ago754 views
2 Answers

You might have to review your endpoint configuration.

I created a similar Fullload and ongoing replication task from SQL Server 2017 on EC2 to S3 using 3.5.1 instance, but got no error about rdsadmin database.

I only got a warning W: The MS SQL Server instance is not set up for Replication. But data was loaded successfully. I had set the extra connection attribute Ignore_Ms_Replication_Enablement = true.

answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

Did you figured out problem? We are having the same issue .

answered 9 months ago

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