EKS cluster and Self-Managed Nodes


Hi Team, I am trying to create EKS cluster in eks_VPC and the Nodes in nodes_VPC in a private environment with no NAT gateway and internet Gateway. My Doubts are: --> Firstly can we create such thing like EKS in one VPC and and nodes are in another VPC in a private environment (I am trying to use the endpoints whichever required). --> If above not possible, is there any limitations with EKS?

asked 7 months ago254 views
1 Answer

As you know, EKS consists of a control plane and a data plane.
When you create an EKS cluster, the control plane is created in AWS Managed VPC and the data plan is created in the customer's VPC. You can only manage the data plane (nodes_vpc).
You can create nodes_vpc without internet access. And, you must create a private link so that all nodes deployed in this VPC can communicate with the control plane and ECR.
Please refer to the link below for how to configure an eks cluster without internet access.

profile pictureAWS
answered 6 months ago

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