How to build an event-driven Journey in Pinpoint


Simple question: How I can trigger a Journey by an event to start with processing the endpoint?

I need help to build a Journey exactly the same process how AWS use it to resgister for this AWS:Post site. From a Journey, I have an event as a starting point. I assume, I have to point to a attribute inside the endpoint like Attributes.hastoSendVerifyMail = false for the beginning. I understand, if I modify the attributes.hastoSendVerifyMail = true, this event will start my Journey. Possible I understand this function in a wrong way. Following this does not help me to get a clear picture how to get it to work:

3 Answers

Hi, @ADiedler1979

I may not understand your request, but please point out in that case.

Normally, the journey itself is scheduled and executed.
You can control when an endpoint (such as the user to whom the message is sent) enters the target with an event.

Event-driven chapters of the document you are looking at.

You can also register a custom event from "Add participants when they perform an activity".
What kind of problem do you have?

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answered 2 years ago

Hello, Yes, I have read about it "Add participants when they perform an activity" but there is no example or process explained to cover that in documentation. What I try is, I define an event in this block "Attributes.doiVerifed" and valuue=true. I create an Endpoint with "Attributes.doiVerifed=false". Then I fire a updateEndpoint from the AWS CLI and set the "Attributes.doiVerifed=true", nothing happens. In my segment count I can see the endpoint, but the Journey was not triggered. aws pinpoint update-endpoints-batch --application-id XXXXXC --endpoint-batch-request file://endpoint.json I also look at API documentation to update the endpoint, but same behaviour.

answered 2 years ago

You can react to events added to your Event Stream and then use those events to either trigger a campaign or journey, or update an Endpoint attribute based on the custom event you registered. Here is an example in our Reference Architecture library:

You need to enable the Pinpoint Events for your project to react to those events:

answered 3 months ago

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