Successfully Connected PuTTy to Instance but... got Stuck


I wish I had Tech agent that could help me navigate this tough terrain.

So I'm working on deploying my first Deep Learning Model, I feel late. I was able to successfully connect to my instance load numby, I've got python downloaded and when I attempted to load TensorFlow onto my instance I got a not enough space error. It looks to only need about 528MB of space, I have more than enough space and tried on my other computer with more than enough space and still got the same error. Is this because I use a free version of AWS?

This can be very confusing for someone who's never done this but deep down I feel like this could be accomplished in a fair to moderate amount of time with the right effort. I was told to focus on python, use spyder, but mind you ChatGPT is my only real help. Help?

I've gone the puTTy route and I hope I can deploy today.

asked a year ago89 views
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