How to check an outbound call with API is connected or not in amazon connect


In amazon connect, we use connect API (start_outbound_voice_contact) to make a outbound call. And I just set some attribute as dynamic content for prompt. So that we don't need a agent to answer the call. Now I want to check whether the target phone is connected. If not, maybe need to do some other kind of notification. But I didn't find that I can get the status directly. I found that I can get the contact event stream. But for the event type "DISCONNECTED", it can be that the target phone didn't answer, or the customer “Hang up ” the phone.

So, how can I check this. Thanks.

asked 3 months ago164 views
1 Answer

To determine if an outbound call made using Amazon Connect's start_outbound_voice_contact API was connected or not, you'll need to investigate the following:

  1. Subscribe to the event stream to monitor events like INITIATED, RINGING, CONNECTED, and DISCONNECTED. Look for patterns that indicate whether the call was answered or not.

  2. Analyze CTRs, focusing on attributes like ConnectedToSystemTimestamp, DisconnectTimestamp, and AfterContactWorkCompletedTimestamp. Compare these timestamps to infer the call's outcome. CTR data model

  3. Set up integration with CloudWatch or S3 to store and analyze CTRs for detailed post-call analysis. This can help you understand call outcomes and refine your contact strategy.

  4. Based on your analysis, automate your notification system to take alternative actions if the call was not answered, such as sending an SMS or email notification.

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answered 3 months ago

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