Rekognition Analyse Face service : FaceOccluded missing



I ran Rekognition, detectFaces(DetectFacesRequest facesRequest) from java SDK with option Attribute.ALL, but I did not found in the DetectFacesResult the attribute: FaceOccluded. This attribute appears on the demo web page of the Rekognition service.

Do I have to make a special call, or invoke a particular version of Analyse Face (Rekognition.detectFaces) ?

Thank you, Mihai ADAM

  • Hello,

    I realized that I haven't used the latest version of Rekognition, which has the FaceOccluded attribute in DetectFacesResult object.

    Sorry for the inconvenience and have a good day,
    Mihai ADAM

asked a year ago228 views
1 Answer

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out to us and glad that the issue has gotten resolved. Please feel free to post any other question and we will try our best to help!

answered 10 months ago

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