CloudEndure RTO for Oracle and E-Business Suite


A customer is currently running two on-prem servers: an Oracle DB and an E-Business Suite Server. They are using Oracle DataGuard and a standby DB for DR. A couple questions: 1) What is the expected RTO using CloudEndure vs Standby DB w/ DataGuard? 2) Can CloudEndure also orchestrate the provisioning of the Oracle E-Business Suite server along w/ the DB server? Thanks!

asked 4 years ago417 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

According to Cloudendure documentation:

"The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) of CloudEndure is typically measured in minutes. The RTO is highly dependent on the OS boot time."

Dataguard should achieve a failover in 60 seconds or less - keep in mind with dataguard there's a standby database already running while the data is being replicated from the primary while cloudendure is replicating block differences but the machine is not started ( so it needs to boot and that takes time).

A more apples to apples comparison would be to have DMS replicating from the customer Oracle DB to RDS Oracle or to an Ec2 instance running Oracle DB.

Cloudendure works at the OS level so it should be agnostic to whatever app the customer is running including Oracle E-Business Suite

answered 4 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

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