Can anyone give me opinions on which direction to go with for the backend server?


I am setting up a backend server for a game application.

So far, I have opted an EC2 instance where my backend server would reside.

For the database - I want your opinion and advice.

Option one - is to go with RDS with Aurora (Postgres compatible). This would give me functionalities like Backup, High Availability and ETL.

Option two - is to create the database in the same EC2 instance that I have opted for earlier. But, would this give me functionalities of backing up my data, high availability of data, and to do ETL with ease. If yes, how would this option provide me the above functionality?

1 Answer

The beauty of Cloud computing is to not worry about the underlying infrastructure, but rather use the service on an as-needed and pay-as-you-go base so that you can focus on your application and business functionality. There is no doubt Option 1 is the best option. Why reinvent the wheel while a robust car is already built and ready to ride.

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago
  • Yes, Even I think option '1' is the best option, but I wanted to save costs of using Aurora ( It is too expensive ) and therefore wanted to go forward with the second option.

    And so wanted some advice about wether the second option would provide me the same functionality?

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