create bot with intents and slots using lex API using python


doing all the following steps but still getting response as bot build locale failed create bot create intent create slot update intent update bot adding permissions build bot locale. getting response as 'botLocaleStatus': 'Failed', 'failureReasons': ["Slot ids [email, password, One_Time_Code] in intent ResetsPassword don't define a slot priority. Update the intent to add a priority to these slots."],

asked a year ago300 views
1 Answer

Need troubleshooting but some hints with the information provided : It is rare for this error to be thrown if you are only using the console, as your slot is parameter you can set through the SDK (it is done automatically in the console). I suspect the reason it was throwing the error is that upon changing some things in the intent, the bot expected some parameters that no longer existed, by saving the new changes is the intent, it should be able to build successfully.

answered a year ago

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