Why did our hosts disappear from SSM - Fleet Manager?


We are using SSM to manage our devices. A hardware change on some of them looks like it broke connectivity with SSM, and so the devices hadn't been seen for ~1 month by SSM.

The devices has disappeared from the SSM Fleet Manager view. They were still visible in the inventory \session manager views, but the link from Inventory -> Fleet Manager results in an error saying the device id did not exist.

Is this expected behaviour?
Can we configure Fleet Manager to not hide devices it hasn't seen in a while?

asked 6 months ago199 views
1 Answer

The behavior you described, where devices that haven't been seen for a while are not visible in Fleet Manager, could be expected. Fleet Manager typically displays active instances, and if a device hasn't communicated with SSM for an extended period, it might not be shown in the Fleet Manager view. Could you contact AWS Support to better know if this behaviour is expected

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answered 6 months ago
  • Hi Debolek,

    Thanks for taking the time to answer. Actually AWS Support pointed me here.

    They seemed under the impression that this wouldn't be expected behavior, but were unsure. I haven't yet found any mention of this behavior in the documentation. In my opinion, if this is expected it should be explicitly stated, as it is contrary to how other systems of this type behave.

    I will see if i can attract some additional attention from AWS.

    Thanks, Nick

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