Getting encrypted (static keys AES-128) hls output from AWS elemental MediaPackage without any DRM provider


Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to get encrypted HLS content output from AWS elemental MediaPackage without having any DRM provider.

Can we use static AES-128 keys for encryption? Or any other way eg KMS? Thanks, Namita

1 Answer

Hi Namita.

You need a DRM solutions provider for MediaPackage as a requirement in order to get the encryption key and deliver the decryption key to players.

The only alternative approach for this, involves using using MediaLive in your workflow. That would be to use a static key encryption in MediaLive and then manually share or deliver the key.

answered 10 months ago
  • Thank you for the answer! Can you please share the steps to encrypt the HLS output content using static keys with Media Live?

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