Certificate Requests Stuck In Pending Validation


I am trying to create a couple of new certificate requests in Certificate Manager since yesterday, but they all wind up stuck in the "Pending Validation" state when using DNS validation, although I do see the button that allows Certificate Manager to create the CNAME records in Route53 and I add those CNAMEs to my route53.

What do I need to do to get the certificate validated?


asked 5 years ago1269 views
1 Answer

I found the answer here https://forums.aws.amazon.com/thread.jspa?threadID=273734&tstart=0

The Name Servers in my domain registrar didn't match the ones in route53, so used them instead and it worked.

That's probably because the domain was transferred from an external provider into AWS, therefore the original Name Servers where different.

answered 5 years ago

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