Domain Registration Successful but Unable to Resolve Domain


Hello AWS Support,

I recently registered a new domain via Route 53, and although the registration was successful as of 12 hours ago, I am encountering issues with domain resolution.

Here are the details of the issue:

Domain Registration: Completed successfully through AWS Route 53.

Problem Description: Despite the successful registration, I am unable to ping my domain or see it active on DNS propagation checks (e.g., via

Troubleshooting Performed:

Checked the DNS configurations in the Route 53 console to ensure proper setup (e.g., proper use of Alias and CNAME records). Verified that the S3 bucket for static web hosting is correctly configured and publicly accessible.

Waited for DNS propagation and verified settings multiple times over the past 12 hours.

Attempted to resolve the domain using nslookup and received a SERVFAIL error, indicating a possible issue with DNS resolution or server configuration.

asked a month ago267 views
1 Answer

You need to ensure that the NS records for your Zone in Route 53 match that of the Glue Records on your domain.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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