Bug in AWS DMS service while creating the replication instance


Hi, I'm trying to create a replication instance with the engine versions 3.4.5 or 3.4.6 however AWS always ends up creating with its latest version which is 3.4.7 which I do not want. This is on region us-east-1. Refer attached screenshots. I have tried creating with both versions i.e. 3.4.5 and 3.4.6 but it always falls forward to 3.4.7. This seems to me a bug in the AWS DMS (Database Migration Service).

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Kindly check as I'm blocked here, thanks

asked a year ago948 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi, Agrees it seems so. You should then open a Support ticket via the AWS console on your account.

https://support.console.aws.amazon.com/support/home?region=us-west-2#/ (adapt region to yours)

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • yes, have opened the support case with AWS team, thanks


Hi Vinod, when creating a replication instance via the console, there is a "Maintenance" section with an "Automatic version upgrade" option which is enabled by default. If this option is enabled, DMS will immediately upgrade your replication instance to the latest available minor version, even if you selected an older minor version in the "Instance configuration" section.

Can you see if this feature is enabled on your replication instance? On the DMS console, select your replication instance, and then check the "Minor version automatic upgrade" setting under the "Maintenance" section of the "Overview details" tab. If "Minor version automatic upgrade" is set to "Yes", that would explain the behavior you observed. If you don't want this behavior, please disable the automatic upgrade feature when you create replication instances in the future.

answered a year ago

Same happens if you select 3.4.7 you'll get 3.5.1

answered 7 months ago

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