AWS VPN Client on Windows 11 64-bit ARM processor VM (in VMWare Fusion) is not successfully authenticating using federation. Is this OS supported with the client?


I recently had to upgrade my Mac to an M2 arm processor; previously I had an Intel based Mac and was running a Windows VM. I used the AWS client VPN to connect my Windows VM to my AD domain in order to domain-join the Windows machine to my AD Domain Controller running in AWS. When I started using the AWS VPN client connection on the new Windows 11 arm-based VM, it opens the browser to my IDP for successful login, noted by the message "Authentication details received, processing details. You may close this window at any time.", but when it returns control to the VPN client it simply fails with "Connection Failed. Try Again".

I found in the VPN client logs this message 2024-03-21 17:02:23.086 -04:00 [DBG] [TI=7] [7812] Thu Mar 21 17:02:23 2024 AUTH: Received control message: AUTH_FAILED,CRV1:R:instance-1/7348925013388821750/8a486fdd-a69b-4b8c-9da6-97b7c10a945d:b'Ti9B':https://<my-IDP's SAML application URL>/sso/saml?SAMLRequest=<SAML Assertion deleted for security>

I am wondering if the AWS VPN client has been tested on arm-based Windows versions, and if not when can we expect this version to be supported?

asked 2 months ago434 views
1 Answer


There is a recent issue affecting customers that use AWS VPN client with Chrome version 123 and SAML authentication. Could this be your case?

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answered 2 months ago
  • Unfortunately using a different default browser did not solve the issue - I tried Firefox and Edge as well. The same auth error in the log appears regardless of the browser.

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