FreeRTOS OTA update job with a file of size larger than 16 MB


Hi I have successfully run the OTA demos but if I try to point to a file that is larger than 16 MB, the web interface won't allow that.

Is there a way to increase such limit?

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asked 8 months ago293 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


The standard quota for FreeRTOS is 16 MB as per (bottom of page)

This service quota is not upgradeable, it seems: when so, there is additional column in the table saying that it can be upgraded. It0s absent here.



profile pictureAWS
answered 8 months ago

Hi Giuseppe. What is your device? Several of your questions suggest that your device has much more resource than what the embedded C SDK is typically intended for. It's perhaps not the best device software for your device.

Nonetheless, you can transfer larger files if you move from AWS IoT OTA Updates to AWS IoT Jobs instead: An OTA Update is just a job with a pre-defined job document. If you take the level abstraction down to just jobs, you will have more freedom. OTA updates are intended specifically for constrained devices, and that's why only the C SDK has an OTA library.

profile pictureAWS
answered 8 months ago
  • Hi Greg, indeed my device has resources to run the C++ SDK (it's an i-mx-8m-nano, running on the A53 core) but the C SDK fits perfectly the purpose, it is lightning fast and doesn't add load to a system that is already heavily used. I tried to use the OTA just as a template so that I could modify it while reusing most of the OTA part that is exactly what I need, but then when creating a job based on that template I didn't find the way. I will try again. Thanks for your answer!

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