Using Cloud Map to invoke vpc endpoint in another aws account


When creating a cloud map service, how do you specify the private endpoint DNS name? Do you have to create an instance in the service, or are there other steps needed?

Also, I am using this Cloud map service to invoke a private rest API. When registering the cloud map DNS name, would I use the VPC endpoint DNS name or the private rest api DNS name?

asked 2 months ago99 views
1 Answer


If you create a public or private DNS namespace, AWS Cloud Map automatically creates an Amazon Route 53 public or private hosted zone that has the same name as the namespace. Even with public and private DNS namespaces, you can still discover instances using AWS Cloud Map DiscoverInstances requests.

Create a service, which contains the service instances that identify how to contact the resources for an application, such as a web server, a DynamoDB table, or an Amazon S3 bucket. After you created a public or private DNS namespace, the name that you specify for the service becomes part of the names of records in the Route 53 public or private hosted zone that AWS Cloud Map created automatically in step 1. When you register an instance in the next step, AWS Cloud Map creates records in the hosted zone. The record names are a combination of the name of the service (such as backend) and the name of the namespace (such as and you can also whether you want to check the health of the resources that service instances point to, you can find more information here[1] and you can also visit this blog which you might find helpful[2][3].

[1] [2] [3]

answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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