FSx for Lustre Mount Permissions for EC2 User


We're testing the waters with FSx Lustre. I have successfully mounted an FSx Lustre file system on a 20.04 Ubuntu EC2 using:

sudo mount -t lustre -o relatime,flock fs-876ac86ac865f978.fsx.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com@tcp:/hgd765f4 /fsx

However, the default EC2 user, ubuntu, has no rights to the file system. Only root does.

How do I mount the file system in such a way that ubuntu has R/W to it, or do I need to use facl or similar to modify the file system after mounting?

asked 6 months ago448 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Fixed it with setfacl:

sudo setfacl -R -m u:ubuntu:rwx /fsx
answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 19 days ago


You can grant other users permissions to the FSx for Lustre file system by editing either the ownership or the POSIX permissions of the mount point (for eg., /fsx).

A user with root privileges can grant other users access to the file system as follows:

  1. To change the ownership to a non-root user and group, use the following:
$ sudo chown user:group /fsx

For example:

sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /fsx
  1. To change permissions of the file system to something more permissive, use the following:
$ sudo chmod 777 /fsx

This would then apply to all EC2 instances that have the file system mounted.

answered 6 months ago
  • Unfortunately that doesn't work. The permissions assigned to the mount point get overwritten when the file system get mounted.

    Before mount: drwxrwxrwx 2 ubuntu ubuntu 4096 Dec 6 21:41 fsx/

    After mount: drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 33280 Dec 5 22:18 fsx/

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