windows fsx file share for multi-az is failing


Dear Team,

I am trying to deploy the fsx file share for multi-az but it is failing with an error as below

Failure message

File system creation failed. Amazon FSx is unable to create a file system within the specified Microsoft Active Directory.

I deployed single-az and it created successfully with all the same parameters. That means all the parameters for deploying the file share is correct. Kindly advise on the issue.

Thanks Rio

asked 2 years ago678 views
1 Answer

Hi Rio,

I see that you are trying to deploy the FSx file share for Multi-AZ but it is failing with error message "File system creation failed. Amazon FSx is unable to create a file system within the specified Microsoft Active Directory."

There are a few potential causes for a file system creation failing, and troubleshooting steps depend on whether you are using an AWS Managed [1] or self-managed [2] Microsoft Active Directory.

Since you have successfully deployed a Single-AZ file share with the same parameters, you may want to look into configuring permissions specifically for Multi-AZ. There is an Amazon Web Services video tutorial [3] and associated Knowledge Center article [4] available on configuring permissions for creating a Multi-AZ Amazon FSx for Windows file server share with a self-managed Active Directory [3].






answered 2 years ago
reviewed 2 years ago

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