how do i start over? my VPC is jacked and I just want a clean slate


I am new to AWS. I created some test environments with API Gateway, Lambda, RDS, and Cloud9. Because I was unclear, i've created a frankenstein environment that doesn't work for me. But I cannot get rid of my mess. I'd like to start over. But it seems like that is not possible. What do I do?"

asked 4 months ago152 views
2 Answers

What specific errors are you encountering while attempting to delete your resources?

To reset, you should manually delete your API Gateway (1), Lambda functions (2), RDS instances (3), and Cloud9 environments (4) first. Then, attempt to delete the VPC. If you encounter any errors during the VPC deletion, please share those details here.

If the services you are utilizing are linked to your VPC, it will not be possible to delete the VPC.

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answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
answered 4 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago

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