Sub domain connect to AWS EC2 Instance



I am having a domain and sub-domain with 3rd party service provider, and one ec2 instance, How can I connect my ec2 and my sub-domain so that when users visit my sub-domain they get redirected to my ec2?

I need help in 3 terms

  1. In which way, It can be done for free?

  2. In which way, It can increase my website load and working speed?

  3. In which way, It can increase the speed and functioning as well as security?

asked a year ago453 views
1 Answer

Hi, you can manage the subdomain name by another DNS provider to have the one that you exactly want as long as you do proper remapping via CNAMES

See and (for Godaddy but similar for other DNS providers)

You will just have to remap the public dns name (under amazon domain) of your ec2 instance to your cname of choice.

on your 3 points:

  • remapping the amazon domain name of your instance to your own subdomain is free
  • this will have no impact on workload and site working speed. The initial name lookup with your subdomain may be a few ms longer because it will go your subdomain alias -> amazon name -> amazon ip instead of just the last 2 but it will happen only once and in usually unperceptible from user standpoint
  • the security of your instance is unchanged: you will do same security definitions on it independently of dns remapping or not
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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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