Fine Tuning DMS Replication Instance


Hi I have just rolled out DMS to sync data from MYSQL to Redshift and I am facing issues like

Replication task has failed. Reason: Last Error Not enough memory to allocate. Stop Reason FATAL_ERROR Error Level FATAL. Replication task has failed. Reason: Last Error Replication task out of memory. Stop Reason FATAL_ERROR Error Level FATAL.

I am using a instance of size t3.medium with default task setting. Also there are three tasks running on one instance .

I am okay with replication with slowing due to less memory but I don't want the replication to stop . Are there some settings which i can use to achieve this .

asked 3 months ago207 views
1 Answer

Hello Aman!

T3.medium is a pretty small instance, depending on the size of your MYSQL database, this may not be enough to handle the load. Without knowing all details in your world, I would recommend either 1) sizing up the replication instance or 2) giving DMS serverless ( a try.

One other approach, if you're using Aurora MYSQL RDS, you could look into the relatively new zero-ETL option (

answered 3 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • Thanks for your answer. So suppose I have 2 tables where approximately daily inserts and updates is 2Lac and other 2 tables have inserts apporximately 30Lac . There can be time where these are bulk inserts and in future this number might grow more . So to handle this scale of work load what should be idle instance size so that DMS task does not fail being slow is fine .

    FYI : I have created different types of task like extra small , small , medium , large and extra large. I am worries about large and extra large breaking the other three are running fine .

    Also the small and medium ones are in one replication instance of size t3.medium and other two large ones are in other t3.medium instance .

  • I'm not able to provide an exact answer with this info, but can share some additional details. DMS is reading from the binlog in mysql (, so I'm less worried about this new job "breaking" the exisiting jobs. You have some pretty sizeable daily inserts/updates you're looking to use DMS for, especially if they are coming through in bulk. I'd recommend trying out some of the R type instances ( instead of the t types you've been trying to date. I also think serverless may be a better option, particularly if you're doing bulk CDC off this database.

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