Merging Two t4g.small instances into a t4g.medium


I am trying to merge two t4g.small reserved instances into a t4g.medium reserved instance. The offering class is "standard". Here is an image of my instance info:
I was not sure if this was possible so I contacted 2 different AWS representatives:

Representative #1

"If you purchase another t4g.small Reserved Instance today, you should be able to combine it with your current t4g.small instance, even if they have different expiration dates. The key is that they are the same instance type and have the same normalization factor of 1. When you combine the two t4g.small instances, the new expiration date will be the later of the two original expiration dates. So if one instance expires in 6 months and the other in 12 months, the combined instance would have an expiration date 12 months from now. Now, with two t4g.small instances combined, you would be able to successfully modify that reservation to a single t4g.medium instance. The normalization factor of the two t4g.small instances (2 x 1 = 2) would match the normalization factor of the t4g.medium (2), allowing the upgrade to go through."

Representative #2

" if you merge a t4g.small instance expiring on 12/29/24 with another t4g.small instance expiring on 5/16/25, the resulting t4g.medium instance should have an expiration date of 5/16/25! Ok got it! Based on my understanding, at the time of the merge, AWS will calculate the difference between the combined upfront cost of the two t4g.small instances and the upfront cost of the new t4g.medium instance. You'll be charged (or credited) this difference. Purchase a new t4g.small Reserved Instance from the AWS console or CLI. This can be done from the "Reserved Instances" section under "EC2" service. Once you have two t4g.small Reserved Instances, go to the "Reserved Instances" section in the AWS console. Select the two t4g.small Reserved Instances you want to merge. Click on the "Actions" button at the top and select "Modify Reserved Instances". In the "Modify Reserved Instances" screen, select the option "Merge Reserved Instances". Follow the prompts to select the new Reserved Instance type (t4g.medium) and configuration you want."

Since 2 different representatives told me this can be done, I am sure there must be a way to do it but I can not figure this out. I would appreciate any help that can be offered! Thank you!


asked 17 days ago163 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Are the existing RIs for t4g.small Standard or Convertible? I am wondering if this is what is stopping you from proceeding:

The original Reserved Instances are all Standard Reserved Instances or all Convertible Reserved Instances, not some of each type

  • If they are different type each, then you can't modify.

The original Reserved Instances must expire within the same hour, if they are Standard Reserved Instances

  • If they are both Standard but expires on different days, then you can't modify.
profile pictureAWS
answered 15 days ago
  • That must be it! They are both standard reserved instances, but expire at different times. Thanks!


Here is the documentation. I see that Representative #2 has also provided the steps for you to follow. Are you not able to complete?

"from the "Reserved Instances" section under "EC2" service. Once you have two t4g.small Reserved Instances, go to the "Reserved Instances" section in the AWS console. Select the two t4g.small Reserved Instances you want to merge. Click on the "Actions" button at the top and select "Modify Reserved Instances". In the "Modify Reserved Instances" screen, select the option "Merge Reserved Instances". Follow the prompts to select the new Reserved Instance type (t4g.medium) and configuration you want.""

profile pictureAWS
answered 17 days ago
profile picture
reviewed 17 days ago
  • Thank you for your reply! I am not seeing the "Merge Reserved Instances" option. Here is what I am able to see:

    You are the third person to tell me this, so it must be doable! I'm just not sure why I am not seeing the option. Thanks again for any thoughts!

  • If you have one RI for t4g.medium, it will cover 2 t4g.small. But what you have is the exact opposite where you want to combine 2 t4g.small into one single t4g.medium so that you can size up. I am trying to duplicate what you have in my test account. It may take some time before I get back to you. Meanwhile, I suggest you provide the screenshot to the support case you already had open and ask for more clarity as the UI may have changed.


I was able to combine two t4g.small into 1 single t4g.medium using my test account. Please see screenshots below:

Enter image description here

what you need to do is to

  1. Change Instance type to t4g.medium
  2. Change Count to 1

Enter image description here

profile pictureAWS
answered 16 days ago
  • Hmm....I seem to be getting an error. My screen also looks slightly different.Enter image description here

  • Change the Instance Type to t4g.medium and Count to 1 (use the Up\Down Arrow). Units should get automatically updated.

  • I tried changing to medium, but still getting the same error. As I mentioned earlier, I have different expiration dates for each RI. Could that have something to do with it? Enter image description here

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