Why place DMS replication instance in target VPC instead of source VPC


Hi guys, I'm working on a project that requires migrate the database cross region. A source VPC in the US West (Oregon) region, and a target VPC in the US East (Virginia) region. I read some articles about DMS and I see that AWS recommend placing the DMS replication instance in target VPC instead of source VPC. I don't know the reason why should we place the DMS replication instance in target VPC. If you know, please share with me. Thanks

asked a year ago1155 views
1 Answer

Amazon Database Migration Service (DMS) replication instances are typically placed in the target VPC rather than the source VPC for several reasons:

Security: By placing the replication instance in the target VPC, you can control access to the replication instance and limit the exposure of your source database to the public internet. Performance: Placing the replication instance in the target VPC reduces the distance that the data must travel to reach the target database. This can improve the overall replication performance and reduce latency. Connectivity: The target VPC is typically where your applications and target database reside. Placing the replication instance in the same VPC as the target database ensures that the replication traffic stays within the VPC and does not need to traverse multiple VPCs or over the public internet, which can improve the reliability of the replication process.

And to add on this, you may have multiple source DB for a replication instance.

answered a year ago
  • Hi, Thanks for your answer. However, I think this answer still not clear. About the performance and connectivity: placing the replication instance in target VPC will increase distance from DMS replication instance to source Database. Moreover, if we use VPC Peering, the traffic will go through AWS backbone network, not Internet.

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