When I access the VPN or NAT gateway, The page "Your service sign-up is almost complete!" pop up


When I access the VPN or NAT gateway in order to delete the NAT gateway service, the page "Your service sign-up is almost complete!" pop up. However I've checked the account and find that my credit card is fine. Even the gateway fee was paid from my credit card successfully on June 4, 2022. So far, I want to delete the NAT gateway service to avoid the more fee. What should I do?

asked 2 years ago313 views
1 Answer


I understand that you are trying to delete Nat Gateway service, however, deleting a NAT gateway disassociates its Elastic IP address, but that action doesn't release the address from your account.

If you delete a NAT gateway, then the NAT gateway routes remain in a blackhole status until you update or delete the routes. If you no longer need the Elastic IP address that was associated with a public NAT gateway, see Release an Elastic IP address.

To delete a NAT gateway in Amazon VPC, do the following:

Access the Amazon VPC console.
Select the AWS Region for your Amazon VPC.
In the navigation pane, choose NAT Gateways.
Select the option button for the NAT gateway, and then choose Actions, Delete NAT gateway.
When prompted, enter delete and then choose Delete.

Note: The NAT gateway entry might remain visible in the Amazon VPC console for an hour after removal. To delete a NAT gateway with the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), see delete-nat-gateway.

To resolve the "Your service sign-up is almost complete!" Finish the account sign-up process.

Lunga T
answered 2 years ago

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