Paused account's ability to send email using SES


We received an email notifying us that our account has been paused for sending emails using SES. Our account's health metrics, including a near-zero complaint rate and minimal bounce rates, display a healthy status, which contradicts the actions taken against our services.

As a SaaS e-learning provider, our use of the SES service is strictly limited to essential system communications, such as registration confirmations, double opt-in emails, and password resets. These emails are critical to the functionality of our platform and are sent exclusively to users who have actively subscribed via a double opt-in process. This ensures that our emails are neither unsolicited nor spam.

We have reached out to support but have not received a response for over a week. We are concerned about the impact this pause may have on our operations and are actively seeking a resolution.

Could anyone help in resolution for this matter?

asked a month ago321 views
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