ECS task remains unhealthy even though call to /healthz endpoint is shown to be successful in logs



The issue is that the ECS task remains unhealthy even though I can see the ESC agent calls to /healthz path in the logs and it is succeeding. the task remains unhealthy and so the load balancer doesn't seem to route the task to it because of that. so my question is how do I troubleshoot this kind of issue and any suggestions as to why the task is unhealthy even though the log is filled with 200 responses to the health endpoint.

Thanks, any help is appreciated.

/Healthz logs

Task dashboard

asked 5 months ago169 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

It turns out it was one of the targets in my target groups that have become unresponsive. so I deregistered it and everything is working fine now. Thanks for the assistance. Cheers.

answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 3 months ago


How about increasing the interval of "healthCheckGracePeriodSeconds" in the ECS service settings?
By increasing this value, the ECS task will be RUNNING until the specified number of seconds has passed.
We believe that if the health check status passes during this grace period, there is no problem.

Just to be sure, is the ALB health check configured to succeed if it receives a status code of 200?

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answered 5 months ago
  • Thank you, but I already did. if you check on the second picture, the value is set at 1800. unless if you think i should set it higher?, and yes the ALB response code i used a range of 200-299


Please check the task definition to ensure that it's correctly set up, especially the network mode, container definitions, and port mappings. Service Dependencies: Check if your service has dependencies (like a database) that might not be ready or accessible, causing the service to be unhealthy.

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answered 5 months ago

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