Redshift Spectrum error with DATE type partition column on JSON table


I am receiving the "DATE data type can be used only with text, Parquet, or ORC data files, or as partition column." for queries on a JSON-based external table: Enter image description here

Interestingly, I can SELECT it in case it is not wrapped in aggregate: Enter image description here

The table is defined with below partition clause and works as expected when querying via Athena, but produces above error when accessed via external schema in Redshift Spectrum. Enter image description here

Is this a bug or a error in the documentation? CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE doc specifically mentions that DATE data type is allowed as partition column just as the error message I receive when running aggregate on the partition column. Swapping DATE to CHAR(10) works, but I'd rather use correct data-type... This is on Redshift v1.0.49780

Thanks, Alex

asked a year ago118 views
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