how to pass the original url from API Gateway to the backend service


a REST service runs in EC2 in a private VPC. The request flow: API Gateway -> ELB -> Rest service. A custom domain, like, is set up for the API Gateway.

create a resource like /hello, adds a POST Integration request for the resource. In the Integration request methods, set below:

  1. select "VPC Link"
  2. enable "VPC proxy integration"
  3. HTTP method: "POST"
  4. VPC link: "[Use stage variable]"
  5. input: ${stageVariables.vpcLinkId}, the vpcLinkId is set in stage.
  6. Endpoint URL:

The backend REST service receives the request from API Gateway, the request's url is How does API Gateway pass the original request url, like, to the REST service?

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

the answer is similar with

basically two steps:

  1. In Method Request, add HTTP Request Headers as host.
  2. In Integration Request, "URL request headers parameters", add "Name" like 'x-org-url', "Mapped from" input ""
answered 5 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 5 months ago

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