I can't associate AWS Config costs by tags in my cost report.


I have implemented this automated security response solution in AWS, which makes use of AWS Config. Therefore, I have tagged all resources created by CloudFormation with a project ID. Additionally, I have tagged all AWS Config resources with this same project ID, but for some reason, the AWS Config costs are not reflected in my report (Image 1).

Although we have already tagged all AWS Config rules, aggregators and authorizations (docs - Imagen 2) with the project ID, we noticed that the cost report does not reflect the expenses associated with this resource (the tags were applied more than 48 hours ago).

Enter image description here

Image 1: Cost report with resources tagged with the project ID.

Enter image description here

Image 2: Rule tagged with the project ID.

If I filter the costs by the specific resource and group them by tags, it seems that the resources are not tagged. Is there another resource that I need to tag for the costs to show up in the report, or does anyone know if I am doing something wrong?

Enter image description here

Image 3: Cost filter by service

Thanks in advance.

asked a month ago176 views
3 Answers


Here is an article from AWS explaining why you might not see cost allocation tags in the AWS Cost Explorer: https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/organizations-no-cost-allocation-tags.

I recommend using the AWS Tag Editor to ensure that all your AWS Config rules are appropriately tagged.

Additionally, with AWS Config, you are charged based on the number of configuration items recorded, the number of active AWS Config rule evaluations, and the number of conformance pack evaluations in your account. I doubt if we can filter the cost for the AWS Config service using user-defined tags, but any AWS experts can correct me if I'm wrong.

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answered 25 days ago
  • Yes, all AWS Config rules were tagged using Tag Editor. Resources like aggregators and authorizations were tagged with the AWS CLI because Tag Editor does not support these resources.



After you have created and applied the user-defined tags, you have to activate by using the Billing and Cost Management console for cost allocation tracking and tags are not applied to resources that were created before the tags were created. [1]

Could you please confirm if you have activated user-defined tags in Billing and cost management console?

  1. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/custom-tags.html
  2. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/activating-tags.html
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answered a month ago

Hi Sivaraman, that's correct. The user-defined tags were enabled before implementing this solution. Enter image description here

answered a month ago

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