Creating a Custom Slot Type for Yes/No Responses in AWS Lex


Hi everyone!

I'm new to working with AWS Lex and I'm seeking some guidance on creating a custom slot type specifically for yes and no answers. Can anyone kindly provide me with instructions or point me in the right direction to achieve this? I'd really appreciate your help!

Thank you!

asked a year ago646 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

hi Sophie, you can define a custom slot with your name like YesOrNo, then your choose Expand Values(this is the referred one), you can also use Restrict to slot values if you have lots of training data from your previous chat logs.

then in your flow design, you can use the condition like if {yourslot} = yes or no to implement different branches.

hope that helps.

answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago

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