ECS Stucked in Activating/Deactivating state



I have 2 EC2 instances, 3 services, each service runs 2 tasks with 1 container each.


Min capacity: 30% Max capacity: 200% Min tasks: 2 Max tasks: 4 I only have 1 alb forwarding traffic to this containers.

99% of the time the desired capacity is 2 for each service.

When I want to update the service, it takes up to 20 minutes to stop and start a new instance. So each deploy takes me up to 40 minutes. Whereas in the qa environment where i only have 1 ec2 instance and 1 container per service, it takes 2 o or 3 minutes.

Most of the time the task are in the activating/deactivating state. Why is taking so long to do the deploy?

asked 8 months ago269 views
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