Enhancing Textract Functionality with Checkbox Alternatives (Circling Choices)


Hello All, I have a scenario where users can tick checkboxes next to labels, and Textract handles the values correctly. However, some users prefer circling their choices instead of ticking the checkbox, causing Textract to encounter difficulty in reading the selected data. In cases where a label is circled instead of being ticked, I would like the output to indicate as SELECTED or NOT_SELECTED for that specific field. I am using AWS SDK for Java 2.x for this implementation.

Is it necessary to incorporate an additional service or engage in custom model training, in conjunction with Textract, to tackle this situation?

Any insights into a solution would be appreciated. Please refer to the image below to visualize the scenario I am analyzing.

Image with a ticked checkbox and a circled label

asked 5 months ago208 views
1 Answer

Hi, I worked on a similar scenario for this type of selection. You can use Rekognition Custom Labels to detect the selected "Yes" or "No". Please use at least 20-30 pictures per choice.

Another approach you can try is the new feature using Custom Queries, that might work with your case. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/textract/latest/dg/how-it-works-custom-queries.html

The Textract is working in adding more capabilities on this topic, so please contact the AWS SA you are working with to have more details on the roadmap.

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answered 5 months ago

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