Textract Table CSV Output in Demo Interface Includes Extraneous Apostrophe


Using the Amazon Textract Demo by 'Uploading document' from local, selected "Tables" as the 'Data output', after 'Downloading results' which downloads a zip folder containing csv's of each extracted Table, each element outputted in the csv contains a leading apostrophe e.g. ('extracted word). Why is this happening by default? I know this can be solved using the API, but am trying to keep all work in the online demo client and excel. See below for example of confidence scores output for leading single apostrophe within the quotation marks:

'Confidence Scores % (Table Cell) "'94.23828125","'91.21093750","'93.70117188","'92.18750000","'95.11718750","'93.11523438","'93.35937500","'91.45507813",

asked 6 months ago238 views
1 Answer

We added the apostrophe to prevent customers from a CSV injection attack, for example if the document contains a "=" sign in the text detected, prepending a quote would just treat it as text and not a formula

answered 6 months ago

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