VsCode Code Catalyst Aws Toolkit not able to connect to Dev Env


Aws Toolkit can see there is a DevEnv in my Code Catalyst Space, it can boot it up, but it can't connect. I receive a lot of [INFO]: Command: (not started) Someone had the same Issue?

This is the LOG from my VsCode (on ArchLinux... yes... I'm using a steam deck...)

2023-05-02 20:56:54 [INFO]: Visual Studio Code extension host:  1.77.3
2023-05-02 20:56:54 [INFO]: AWS Toolkit:  1.71.0
2023-05-02 20:56:54 [INFO]: node: 16.14.2
2023-05-02 20:56:54 [INFO]: electron: 19.1.11
2023-05-02 20:56:54 [WARN]: AwsContext: no default region in credentials profile, falling back to us-east-1:
2023-05-02 20:56:54 [WARN]: CloudFormationTemplateRegistry: addWatchPattern(**/*.{yaml,yml}): no workspace
2023-05-02 20:56:56 [INFO]: codecatalyst: reconnect: onDidChangeActiveConnection: startUrl=https://view.awsapps.com/start
2023-05-02 20:56:56 [INFO]: codecatalyst: attempting to poll dev environments
2023-05-02 20:56:56 [WARN]: CodelensRootRegistry: addWatchPattern(**/requirements.txt): no workspace
2023-05-02 20:56:56 [WARN]: CodelensRootRegistry: addWatchPattern(**/package.json): no workspace
2023-05-02 20:56:56 [WARN]: CodelensRootRegistry: addWatchPattern(**/*.csproj): no workspace
2023-05-02 20:56:56 [WARN]: CodelensRootRegistry: addWatchPattern(**/go.mod): no workspace
2023-05-02 20:56:56 [WARN]: CodelensRootRegistry: addWatchPattern(**/build.gradle): no workspace
2023-05-02 20:56:56 [WARN]: CodelensRootRegistry: addWatchPattern(**/pom.xml): no workspace
2023-05-02 20:58:10 [INFO]: Command: (not started) [/app/extra/vscode/bin/code --version]
2023-05-02 20:58:10 [INFO]: Command: (not started) [ssh -G x]
2023-05-02 20:58:10 [INFO]: Command: (not started) [session-manager-plugin --version]
2023-05-02 20:58:10 [INFO]: Command: (not started) [/home/deck/.var/app/com.visualstudio.code/config/Code/User/globalStorage/amazonwebservices.aws-toolkit-vscode/tools/Amazon/sessionmanagerplugin/bin/session-manager-plugin --version]
2023-05-02 20:58:10 [INFO]: Command: (not started) [ssh -G aws-devenv-test]
2023-05-02 20:58:16 [INFO]: devenv started (time: 2.424s): 87230aa4-9056-4827-… [STARTING/1109ms RUNNING/1ms]
2023-05-02 20:58:16 [INFO]: Starting SSH agent...
2023-05-02 20:58:16 [INFO]: Command: (not started) [ssh-agent -s]
2023-05-02 20:58:16 [INFO]: Command: (not started) [/app/extra/vscode/bin/code --folder-uri vscode-remote://ssh-remote+aws-devenv-87230aa4-9056-4827-8630-07cea92957de/projects/spa-app]
2023-05-02 20:58:58 [INFO]: Command: (not started) [session-manager-plugin --version]
2023-05-02 20:58:58 [INFO]: Command: (not started) [/home/deck/.var/app/com.visualstudio.code/config/Code/User/globalStorage/amazonwebservices.aws-toolkit-vscode/tools/Amazon/sessionmanagerplugin/bin/session-manager-plugin --version]
2023-05-02 20:58:58 [INFO]: Command: (not started) [ssh -G aws-devenv-test]
2023-05-02 20:58:59 [INFO]: Starting SSH agent...
2023-05-02 20:58:59 [INFO]: Command: (not started) [ssh-agent -s]
2023-05-02 20:58:59 [INFO]: Command: (not started) [/app/extra/vscode/bin/code --folder-uri vscode-remote://ssh-remote+aws-devenv-87230aa4-9056-4827-8630-07cea92957de/projects/spa-app]
asked a year ago433 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Our team has identified the issue and the fix has been included in toolkit v1.72. Could you please update your AWS Toolkit to v1.72?


answered a year ago
profile picture
reviewed 13 days ago
profile picture
reviewed 2 months ago
  • It works like a charm with v1.72, also on the steam deck! Thanks


I'm sorry you encountered this error. We are currently investigating this issue. We will get back to you as soon as we have identified the root cause of this error. In the meantime, could you please let us know the VS Code and toolkit version you are using?

answered a year ago
  • Sure: VsCode Version: 1.77.3 Commit: 704ed70d4fd1c6bd6342c436f1ede30d1cff4710 Date: 2023-04-12T09:16:52.732Z Electron: 19.1.11 Chromium: 102.0.5005.196 Node.js: 16.14.2 V8: OS: Linux x64 5.13.0-valve36-1-neptune Sandboxed: Yes

    AWS Toolkit v1.71.0 Remote - SSH v0.101.2023050215


that's awesome. Please feel free to reach out to us anytime when you have a question or feedback related to CodeCatalyst.

answered a year ago

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