How can I know if a object is a replicated object from the S3 event notification event?


I have s3 replication enabled and event notification enabled for both source and destination buckets. How can I know in the destination bucket from the notification event if the object is a replicated object without any custom lambda logic

asked 6 months ago267 views
1 Answer


If it is an event notification, it will be notified by the "ObjectCreated:Put" event, so I don't think it can be determined.
Therefore, I think it is difficult to judge without using Lambda.

So, how about triggering Lambda to determine if the same object exists in the source S3 bucket when "ObjectCreated:Put" occurs?
If it is determined that the same object exists, I think it is a replicated object.

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answered 6 months ago
  • I am looking for a way without having to trigger a lambda function, I think it is not possible. Thanks for confirming.

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