How do I move repositories in CodeCatalyst from one project to another project?


Hi there,

I'm trying to move a specific source repository (that has been created in a temporary project) to a different project.

Is this something that is currently supported by CodeCatalyst or not?

My current, manual approach would be:

  • create source respository in target project with the same name
  • git clone from old source repository
  • git add new_remote <git-url-target-repository>
  • git commit, git push

This has the problem that the old commit history might be lost, yes, there are possibilities to workaround that too, but it seems wrong... :-(

Will this be a supported feature going foward? And also, can I then move projects from one space to another?

Regards Johannes

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asked a year ago443 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

OK, as CodeCatalyst does not support this option yet we need to use the "manual" way to achieve this.

Using the answer here we are able to keep the history aswell:

git remote add XXX_remote <path-or-url-to-XXX-repo>
git fetch XXX_remote
git merge -s ours --no-commit --allow-unrelated-histories XXX_remote/master
git read-tree --prefix=ZZZ/ -u XXX_remote/master
git commit -m "Imported XXX as a subtree."
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answered a year ago

Unfortunately, CodeCatalyst does not currently support moving source repositories from one project to another. You would have to manually clone the repository and push it to the target project. Additionally, this process may result in the loss of commit history.

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answered a year ago

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