Sending Email from Odoo ERP not Working with AWS Workmail


I am using Odoo ERP as our management systems, from Odoo we can send and receive emails directly to email address. To do that I have configured smtp and imap. The connection works perfect but when I want to send a email I get this message:

Unfortunately, the system was unable to deliver your mail. The error given was:

2023-11-01 02:56:44 : You are not allowed to send as user or group

You may need to contact your e-mail administrator to solve this problem.

But I do not know why and how to fix it.

Can someone please help me with this issues? Thanks in advanced.

asked 7 months ago312 views
1 Answer


The error means that you're sending an email with a From that does not align with the credentials used to authenticate. So the user that is trying to send the email is not the owner of the email nor does this user have permissions to "send as" or "send on behalf of" this email address.

You can fix this by using the credentials of the user that owns the admin@ email address or give the user that is used to authenticate permissions to "send as" or "send on behalf of" the owner of the admin@ email address. (You can do this in the WorkMail console (Docs on permissions).

Kind regards, Robin

answered 7 months ago
  • Hello, thank you for your response. It only work for emial sent by the system, but if for example I want to send a message to invite a new user, it looks like Odoo sent the message but it never get the user inbox and we see this error: Unfortunately, the system was unable to deliver your mail. The error given was: 2023-11-01 14:26:19 : You are not allowed to send as user or group You may need to contact your e-mail administrator to solve this problem.

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