eksctl and AsgInstance launch failures due to account quota limit


I was trying to launch an eks cluster using eksctl tool. The cluster is launched but the nodegroup fails to launch. The following error is displayed in the cloudformation of the nodegroup.

<--- Error displayed in cloudformation---> Resource handler returned message: "[Issue(Code=AsgInstanceLaunchFailures, Message=You've reached your quota for maximum Fleet Requests for this account. Launching EC2 instance failed., ResourceIds=[eks-ng-e749b72b-9cc7b85c-0e51-f4a0-d7ed-931b56e7bf34])] (Service: null, Status Code: 0, Request ID: null)" (RequestToken: 0bfee577-3195-082b-0033-514b8b1160d3, HandlerErrorCode: GeneralServiceException) <--->

The same eks setup worked a month ago but it is throwing this error since last week. I have checked the account quotas for any limits imposed but could not find any.

Attaching the quota screenshots below

EKS service quota EKS service quota

EC2 autoscaling quota EC2 autoscaling quota

Should I request for quota increase for a specific service or the issue is something else?

1 Answer

It seems you have reached the quota limit. Please Request a quota increase through the AWS Service Quotas or AWS Support Center. You can request a quota limits If you identify any limits that might be causing the issue, you should request a quota increase Also in the necessary info you will explain the error to them Following this below steps :-

Go to the AWS Service Quotas Dashboard. Select the relevant service (e.g., EC2, Auto Scaling). Find the specific quota (e.g., Max Fleet Requests, Max Auto Scaling groups). Click on the quota and then select "Request quota increase". Fill out the necessary information and submit the request


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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • I have checked both EC2 and Auto Scaling services, I didn't find the exact terms like 'Max Fleet Requests' and 'Max Auto Scaling' but as posted in the above screenshots, the relevant account-level quota values seem fine.


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