Total size of my buckets is not the same as what appears inside them



I would like to contact you because I have a question about how the size of my buckets is managed in S3.

For this I attach three images. In this account I have only one bucket created, "gualaceo".

When I access the S3 dashboard it appears that the total size is 1.4 TB. When I access my bucket and select all the folders to calculate the total size, it appears that the size of the bucket "gualaceo" is 661 GB.

I searched and asked if there could be any difference between the overall size and the buckey size and I was provided with the following link:

After reading it and following the instructions, I proceeded to see if there are incomplete multipart uploads, which the result is 0. The only option I have active is Object versioning.

But since the total size is 1.8 TB and the size of the only existing bucket is 661 GB. There is a difference of more than 1TB wherewith I can´t understand where such a difference comes from.

Despite the fact that this also implies an increase in the cost of the bill, my "problem" more than anything is to know where that big difference in storage comes from or if you could help me in some way to be able to analyze and thus learn in the case that you are managing something incorrectly. I will appreciate that.

Thanks for your attention and for your time.

Best regards,


asked 2 years ago1726 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi Cereza,

Thank you for the interesting question. I do not see any images you posted, but I will attempt to help you find an answer. The article you listed mentions Multipart Uploads (MPU) and Versioning, which you mentioned in your question as well. You said you did not see Multipart Uploads. Do you have versioning enabled on the bucket? The final recommendation in the article is to setup Lifecycle Policies. I urge you to configure a Lifecycle Policy to delete MPUs after something like 3-7 days. If you have versioning enabled, you may want to delete old versions after 7-14 days as well.

To get a clearer picture of what is happening in your account/bucket, I recommend enabling S3 Storage Lens [1]. There is a default setup in S3 Storage Lens that does not have a fee associated with it. It'll take a day or 2 for the metrics to populate and once it's there, you'll be able to use the dropdown metric options to see the current versions, noncurrent versions, and MPUs for bytes, object count and/or in %. These options should help you determine what is taking up your S3 storage.


profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • Hi Shlomo,

    First of all thanks for your atenttion and your answer. It´s possible to attach photos in this post? Because I was trying to do that but I didn´t find the option.

    Just to let you know, I have S3 Storage Lens enabled and one lifecycle policy to delete MPUs after 2 days. I will try to add another lifecycle policy as well to delete old versions.

    But I have checked the Storage panel and there is not MPUs so I don´t understand why there are a lot diference in the total size and the size of my bucket. I will check the link.

    Thanks for your help.

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