DAX Using Postman


Hello All,

I am trying to create/delete/describe clusters for DAX(DynamboDB Accelerator) using postman. But unable to. Can anyone let me know the details on how to achieve this?
Details required,

  1. Host : dax.region.amazonaws.com (Please correct if this is not correct)
  2. Service name : dax
  3. HTTP request : POST (I used Post as all other dynamodb operations are carried out using post request.)
  4. Query Parameters.
  5. Request Headers.
asked 4 years ago314 views
4 Answers

Thanks for reaching out. I have shared your question with our DAX team and will follow up with their reply.

answered 4 years ago

Thank you. I am waiting for your response.

answered 4 years ago

Hey manishkothari,

Unfortunately you won't be able to use Postman to connect to a DAX cluster because DAX uses its own protocol not base HTTP. Postman only works with HTTP-based protocols.

Are you just looking to do some testing/ad hoc querying? What's the use case for DAX + Postman?

answered 4 years ago

Thank you, I was just looking to do it via HTTP.

answered 4 years ago

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