CloudTrail event : DescribePackage not readOnly


I'm working on analyzing CloudTrail events as they come in and when I was setting up a filter ( ignore events that are readOnly ) I was surpised to see the above events coming through. The event DescribePackage from the source is not marked as a readOnly event. Does anyone know of a reason why this would be or is this an oversight on AWS's part? ( I removed some parts of the event below )

  "eventVersion" : "1.08",
  "userIdentity" : { },
  "eventSource" : "",
  "eventName" : "DescribePackage",
  "awsRegion" : "us-east-1",
  "readOnly" : false,
  "eventType" : "AwsApiCall",
  "managementEvent" : true,
asked a year ago248 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Thanks for reporting this, we will be updating DescribePackage to be marked as readOnly in CloudTrail.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Great, thanks. While you are in there : ) This one seems like it could be readOnly as well, unless there's something it's doing that I'm missing ( I can open a new question if that's easier, let me know ) : GetRemainingFreeTrialDays

    { "eventVersion" : "1.08", "eventTime" : "2023-04-21T14:33:23Z", "eventSource" : "", "eventName" : "GetRemainingFreeTrialDays", "requestParameters" : { "detectorId" : "", "accountIds" : [ "", "****" ] }, "readOnly" : false, "eventType" : "AwsApiCall", "managementEvent" : true, "eventCategory" : "Management" }

  • Yes I would suggest opening a new question for GetRemainingFreeTrialDays and tag it with GuardDuty.

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